Our updated filtering menu lets you narrow your view to show only the highlights you're looking for! This offers more precision than keyword searches alone (though you can still use Search highlights field for that purpose). To use the new filtering menu, navigate to Insights and head over to the Highlights tab. Click Show Filter.
There, you'll be able to set the category, modifier, and the conditions of your filter.
You can filter by the following categories:
- Applied code - Can filter by parent or child code
- AI-suggested code - Will only appear if you are using our AI-suggested tagging tool
- Conversation title
- Highlight status
- Speaker name
- Speaker demographic
- Highlighted by
- Code applied by
Once you've selected a category you can change your modifier. Select "has any of" or "is any of" for a more inclusive filter, or get specific by using a modifier like "is exactly" or "is not".
In this example, we'll see highlights where Oscar or Steven have spoken
Finally, set the conditions for your filter. Once you've chosen your conditions click outside of the window to return to the menu.
Click Apply Filters to save your filter. You can add additional filters by clicking + Add Filter. If you select multiple values while filtering tickets, the OR or AND operator applies to your values.
In this example, we'll only see highlights from the conversation "Group 1 Discussion" that were tagged with the codes "Positive" and "Mixed"
To return to tagging click Hide Filter.