If you are an organization admin you can download the audio of a highlight as an mp3. You can also grant download access to managers (by collection) or sensemakers (by catalog). This allows you to edit the highlight into a video or an audio medley.
If you're a collection manager:
You're able to download highlights from any conversation in the collection you manage.
1. Navigate to the Highlights tab and locate your highlight.
2. Click the download icon in the top right corner of the highlight.
3. Check the Downloads folder of your computer for the mp3 file.
If you're a sensemaker:
You're able to download highlight audio while you're working in our Insights tool.
1. Navigate to your catalog and click Highlights.
2. Click the download icon on the bottom right corner of the highlight.
3. Check the Downloads folder of your computer for the mp3 file.
From there, you can import the file into the audio or video editing software of your choice. You can see an example of an audio medley here.