If your account has upload permissions, you can upload mp3, .m4a, and .wav audio files by hovering over For Hosts and selecting Upload a conversation.
1. Under Collection, use the dropdown box to select the collection your conversation will be added to.
2. Give your conversation a title.
3. Use the search bar to type where your conversation took place. You can search by city, zip code, or specific location. This step is optional, so feel free to leave it blank for virtual conversations.
4. Select a language. Please reach out to help@fora.io if you are uploading a bilingual Spanish and English conversation.
5. Enter the Number of participants including the facilitator or host.
6. Enter the Date and Time of the conversation.
7. Click the Source type dropdown box to select the source of the recording. You'll be able to choose between Personal phone or device, Zoom, or Other.
8. Click the Audio file box to select the file from your computer or drag and drop your file directly into the box.
9. Click Upload conversation.
Your conversation will now appear under the Draft Conversations tab and can be published by anyone with admin access. Learn more here: Managing draft conversations