This tool helps you make sense of the most commonly-surfaced themes across all conversations in a collection. Follow the guide below for an overview of the tool's features.
From your collection homepage, scroll to the bottom to locate the Explore Topics section. Click Go to topic insights.
You'll see a list of topics ranked by the number of conversations in which they occur. These topics are composed of a large list of keywords which are algorithmically-generated.
Click See more to view the complete list of topics surfaced throughout your collection.
Select any topic by clicking the corresponding bar on the chart. This will show the top keywords within that topic, ranked by the number of times each keyword is mentioned.
Select See more to view the complete list of keywords.
Below the bar chart, you'll see an interactive list of conversation excerpts related to the keywords within the topic you selected. These are ranked by the number of keyword mentions from the selected topic.
As with all of our interactive transcripts, you can click anywhere in the transcript to start playback immediately from a chosen word.
On the left, you can filter by keyword(s) to narrow your scope by selecting the keywords you'd like to isolate. Click the toggle next to Select all keywords then click the keyword you'd like to isolate.
The selected keyword will appear in bold in the excerpts.
Below the bank of keywords, you'll see the Related topics dropdown. This list of topics is ranked by frequency of cooccurrence. Click a topic to see conversation excerpts that contain keywords from both topics.
Once you’ve found an excerpt that you’d like to save for later or share with others, you’ll want to turn it into a highlight. Click the Go to conversation button to navigate directly to that excerpt within the conversation transcript.