You can update your name, profile picture and more from your profile page. To reach that page, first hit the three horizontal line "hamburger" menu on the top left side of your screen
From there, hit Profile to see your current settings.
Updating your profile photo
To change your profile photo, first click Change Profile Photo or tap on the existing photo attached to your account. You'll be prompted to select a new photo from your photo roll. Click Upload.
Updating your name
Tap on your first or last name and enter any new details.
After you make any changes on your profile page, the Save Changes button will become active. Make sure to press that button to apply those changes. You'll be returned to your profile page.
Updating your password
First tap Change Password. You'll be required to enter your current password in addition to the new one. Click Update to apply those changes.
Logging out or deleting your account
You can log out from your profile page. You can also choose to delete your account entirely by tapping Delete Account. This will send us an email at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can to confirm that your account has been deleted.