You're not required to RSVP to a conversation on Fora in order to join, but we encourage you to respond to invitations as a courtesy to the host and other attendees. Responding also makes it easier to keep track of conversations you plan to attend.
In addition to any closed conversations you're specifically invited to, you'll also receive an invitation to any open conversation created in a Forum you're a part of.
To RSVP, first navigate to the invitation by tapping the Notifications icon in the bottom navigation bar. Find the conversation you want to RSVP to and tap View to see more details.
To indicate that you plan to attend, tap the Add to my Conversations button. That conversation will now be viewable in the My Conversations section across the app. Alternatively, you can tap the Decline button to tell the host that you won't make it.
You can reverse your response at any time until the conversation begins. To do that, navigate back to the Notifications tab, or select the conversation from your Community or Forum home and tap the correct response.