If you would like to delete a conversation that has been uploaded to Fora, you can do this by reaching out to help@fora.io.
Once a conversation has been deleted, this action cannot be undone. This should only be done if you are confident that you have access to the original audio file or if you are confident that the audio being deleted will not need to be included in further analysis.
Reverting conversations to draft mode
Since this is irreversible, we suggest that our partners avoid deleting conversations as much as possible. Instead, we recommend reverting published conversations back to draft mode. This can be done by first navigating to a conversation page and then clicking on the admin tab (this can be found right next to the transcript tab).
Once in the conversation admin tab, you should see a button giving you the option to revert a conversation back to draft mode.
Once this conversation has been reverted to draft mode, the conversation can still be accessed by the project admin and collection managers. These team members can access these conversations by navigating to the draft conversations tab.
These draft conversations can be found by first clicking on your initial in the top right corner of Fora and selecting Admin. Once selecting admin, you should see a list of draft conversations.