This is a collection of frequently asked questions from people in positions of leadership in their project, forum, or community. Please reach out to if you have a relevant question that isn't answered on this page.
Who can see/edit raw conversation transcripts?
Anyone who can see a transcript is able to edit it. By default, anyone who participated in a conversation can see the transcript. In addition, the forum manager(s) can see all conversations that have happened in their forum.
Who can share highlights from a conversation?
Anyone who can see the transcript is able to share highlights.
Relevant Article: Creating a highlight
Who can see highlights?
That depends on where the highlight has been shared! If a highlight is shared to the community level, anyone you add to the community can see them by default. Only members of a forum are able to see highlights that have been shared there.
When are participants giving approval for their voice to be shared? What are they consenting to?
Participants will be asked to consent every time a highlight is created or re-shared that features their voice. They'll be asked to review the highlight and (if relevant) the caption the highlighter added. Finally, they'll either approve or deny the request that their voice be shared with a specific forum - or the wider community.
Relevant article: Approving or denying a highlight
What's the difference between a closed forum and an open forum?
Anyone in your community can join an open forum instantly. To join a closed forum, they would need to request access from the forum manager(s).
Relevant articles: Creating a Forum, What is a Forum?
Can I change the privacy settings of a forum or the overall community?
While we hope to allow flexibility in the future, there's currently no way to change the privacy settings for a community. Once a forum is created, you're not able to change the privacy level from open to closed - or vice versa.
Relevant articles: Creating a Forum, Editing or Deleting a Forum