Once you upload your conversation to the platform, it enters draft mode. Only project administrators and collection managers can access draft conversations. Conversations stay in draft mode until an administrator or manager clicks Publish.
To view and manage your draft conversations, read our guide below.
Access Admin
Click the icon of your first initial in the top right corner of the page. Click Admin.
Here you'll see a list of Draft Conversations.
The circles under Status indicate whether the transcription is ready for your review:
Transcript is complete and ready for review
In-progress; check back in 1-3 days for full transcript
Review & edit conversations
To change the title or location of a conversation, click the next to the status indicator.
Click the conversation title to review the transcript and make transcript edits. Be sure to check the spelling of proper nouns like local places and participants' names.
When you're finished reviewing and editing the conversation, click Publish.
Reverting conversations to draft mode
From the conversation detail page, scroll past the speaker visualization and click the Admin tab.
Under Publishing, click Make Draft.